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Class Info Submission Form 2024

indicates a required answer

Forms submitted should be for the 2024-25 school year.  Please feel free to leave blank any items that are not decided/determined.  

The class registration information (which will be posted on the website) may be pulled from this form.

Thank you for your time in completing this form and serving with LCHE's HIS Co-op!

If you have questions about this form, please contact leadership at [email protected] for assistance.

1. *

Class Name

2. *

Teacher Name(s)

3. *

Teacher Email

4. *

Ages Invited To Join In This Class

Please select the AGE and the GRADES that correspond to the class this form is being completed for.

 (1 required)
Age 3 Age 4-6 Non-Readers
Age 6-8 (Grades 1-3) Age 9-11 (Grades 4-6)
Age 11-13 (Grades 6-8) Age 13-18 (Grades 8-12)
Other ages (please specify in box #16) Boys Only
Girls Only
5. *

Is a curriculum being used for this class?

Yes No

What curriculum is being used?  If no formal curriculum is chosen, what method will you use to teach this class?

7. *

Will students be required to purchase a textbook for this class?

Yes No

List Textbook(s) required here~including ISBN number

9. *

Class Description

This is what others will read to determine if they would like their children to participate in this class being offered.

10. *

Approximately how much time outside of class will students need to work weekly on class reading/projects/assignments? 

11. *

Will there be tests or assignments for parents to grade at home? If yes, please explain.

12. *

Are there any academic pre-requisites for this class? If yes, please explain.

13. *

Please list all expenses you anticipate for this class. Note whether it is per student, per family, or per class.  
(This will help Leadership confirm the suggested class fee.) 

14. *

What is your suggested class fee per student for this class?

Suggested class fees are as follows:
· Nursery, Pre-K/K classes: $10 per hour
· Non-academic classes (like PE): $10-$25 (more if supplies needed)
· Academic classes (other than science): $15-$35
· Elementary-middle school science classes: $30-$35
· High School science classes: $90-$100

15. *

Do you have a completed "Teacher Packet Application" on file with LCHE?

Yes No

Special Note For Leadership Only~

This information will not be made public to anyone else except leadership team members.