LCHE leadership team desires to communicate as effectively, inexpensively and thoroughly as possible.
Website-The Leadership Team will communicate with the participants of LCHE through the use of the website located at Communication on that site may be specific to the entire group, a specific group of people or possibly one particular person. The site will include definitions of the group, events, dates, times etc. This will be the main form of communication used.
Email &/or Text Messaging-The Leadership Team will communicate with individuals about specific things and/or the entire group of LCHE about general items as needed through email.
Facebook-The Leadership Team administers the LCHE Business Facebook page and encourage others to use it as an social networking tool by sharing posts, but encourages the use of the website as the main source of communication.
On occasion the Leadership Team will communicate about specific events through phone calls.
Such internet services such as SignUpGenius may also be used to communicate about certain events.
An online group directory will be made available for all participants of LCHE.
Communication concerning cancellation or change of planned events or teachers unable to fulfill their role:
LCHE follows the Guthrie Public School Inclement Weather Policy. If GPS is cancelled, so are LCHE classes/events.
In the event of inclement weather or the change of plans for a specific event the Leadership Team or event planner may:
-Call the involved participants if the activity is in 24 hours or less as well as update the website with specifics as time permits.
-Send emails to the involved participants and update the website if the activity is more than 24 hours out.
-Participants will also do their best to notify event planners according to specific deadlines for RSVP events and if their plans for participation in an event change according to the above guidelines.
-All difficulties concerning communication will be handled according to LCHE’S Conflict Resolution Policy.
Reviewed and Approved August 2016