LCHE shall be comprised of homeschooling families in and around Logan County, Oklahoma. (Provision for participation of those outside of Logan County will be made on a case by case basis at the discretion of the Leadership Team.)
All participants must agree with the Standard of Conduct and Statement of Faith, sign the Liability Waiver and agree to abide by the support nature and purpose of LCHE.
Annual dues are $20.00 per family. The Leadership Team holds the right to evaluate dues annually and increase if necessary.
Participants must sign a liability waiver prior to attending or participating in any LCHE event. LCHE participants are expected to take full responsibility for their own actions and the actions of their family members.
Participants may be affiliated with other local support groups or co-ops.
Participants are required to accompany their children to all events and be on-sight for all LCHE activities. Non-related children may be allowed to register on a case-by-case basis with approval of the Leadership Team.
Participants are strongly encouraged to seek membership in the Home School Legal Defense Association. Discounted memberships are available to LCHE participants through Homeschool Oklahoma (click HERE for more information).
Participants may choose to enroll in HIS (Homeschool Instructional Support) Co-Op Classes. HIS Co-Op classes are available for LCHE participants only.
If you would like to join us, please complete the Membership Request.